Springfield’s Best Laser Tattoo Lightening Service

We Use Leading Technology To Lighten Unwanted Tattoos

DermaHealth proudly offers the most advanced laser technology for tattoo lightening. The enlighten™ laser system by Cutera features both picosecond and nanosecond lasers. The nanosecond laser is commonly used in tattoo lightening and is great for dark, dense colors. The picosecond laser targets lighter colors and more faded tattoos.

Safe & Effective Tattoo Lightenings

Because of the enlighten system’s diversity, DermaHealth is able to treat a wide variety of tattoo colors in fewer treatments than many other tattoo lightening devices. We are also able to fade tattoos on all skin colors, from light to dark, with minimum risk. This treatment has some moderate to significant discomfort. At DermaHealth, we can prescribe topical numbing to assist in client comfort during treatment.

Laser Tattoo Lightening FAQs

How does laser tattoo lightening work?

The laser targets the color of the tattoo pigment, breaking down the particles so they can be absorbed by the body. The 1064 laser targets darker tattoo colors, especially black and dark blue. The 532 laser targets a variety of colors, including shades of red and orange. Both laser settings have nanosecond and picosecond options, which change the speed and density of the laser light to better break down the tattoo pigments beyond the capabilities of older laser technologies.

What can the client expect during and after tattoo lightening treatment?

During treatment, the client should expect moderate to significant discomfort. Clients have described the feeling of the laser as the snapping of a rubber band or splashing of hot oil on the skin. There will also be tenderness on the treated area for a few days, and the tattoo may be raised and dark and appear red or bruised, similar to a fresh tattoo. We ask our clients to keep the tattoo covered with a bandage for 48 hours and consistently apply Medical Barrier Cream on the tattoo for at least a week. There is a chance of blistering, and we ask clients not to pop the blisters and let them heal on their own. Clients may see minor changes in skin color or texture, but this should go away over time.

What are the benefits of a tattoo lightening procedure?

After treatments, the tattoo should appear lighter and may fade completely. This laser is safe for all skin types, although we cannot remove some colors on darker skin. The skin may be re-tattooed once the area has sufficiently healed.

Who are the best candidates for tattoo lightening services?

Individuals who are patient and willing to follow aftercare instructions are ideal candidates. Clients who pick at healing skin, have medical issues that slow down healing or have had gold therapy (a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis) are not ideal candidates for this procedure.

Can tattoos be completely removed?

Clients should be realistic in their expectations. They should expect a lightening of the tattoo; however, full lightening depends on the client and the tattoo colors to be removed.

For more information and to see if you are a candidate for our laser tattoo lightening treatment, schedule a complimentary consultation with DermaHealth today.

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