Welcome to DermaHealth! Thank you for choosing our clinic and trusting us with your skin care. It is our goal to work with you to achieve your best results possible. Call us if you have any questions at any time.

The following instructions will help you achieve the best results from your Photo Rejuvenation treatment. Please take a moment to review this information and go over any questions and/or concerns you may have with your consultant or call the clinic at 417-447-7777.

Please note that hair reduction may be a side effect and take this into consideration if you are planning on growing a goatee or beard.

Pre Treatment Instructions

  • Please reveal any medical conditions that may be of significance to the sun damage procedure—such as pregnancy, cold sore and fever blister tendencies, any type of allergy, recent facial peels or surgery, and all current medications (including both prescriptions and over-the-counter products) such as Accutane, antibiotics, or use of Retin-A.)
  • Do not use self-tanning lotions or tanning booths two weeks prior to your laser treatment. Do not sunbathe two weeks prior to your appointment. Any patient arriving with a tan or sunburn may be rescheduled due to the sensitivity of the procedure to altered skin color and for the sake of your own safety.
  • Do not use any irritating skin care products such as Retin-A, OBAGI, or any face cream supplement that contains Hydroquinone or Glyquin for one week prior to treatment.
  • Please avoid caffeine 24-48 hours prior to your treatment. This will help reduce the skin’s sensitivity.

Post Treatment Instructions

  • Please be advised that you may expect a certain degree of discomfort, redness, and/or irritation during and after treatment. If any discomfort or irritation persists, please notify the clinic at (417)-447-7777.
  • Age spots and freckles may temporarily turn darker, then slough off within 5-10 days. This is a desired effect. Do not scratch or pick the darkened pigmentation.
  • There is a possibility of banding/striping following treatment. This is typically corrected at a subsequent treatment.
  • You may have mild swelling for 1-3 days after your treatment. Please apply a cool compress to the irritated area for 1-2 days in approximately 10 minute sessions 3 times per day.
  • Redness for 2-3 days is common. Makeup can be applied soon after the treatment.
  • If you should develop any open sores, apply Medical Barrier Cream or Aquaphor to those areas 2-3 times daily till healed.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure or use of tanning bed for at least two weeks after your treatment, as your skin will be more sensitive to the sun after your sun damage treatment.
  • Ask our staff for recommendations of DermaHealth skin care products to use to enhance your procedure for your skin type.
  • Use a minimum of SPF 30 daily to protect your skin after your treatment.