The Jessner Peel was designed to remove superficial layers of skin, dry out active acne, dislodge blackheads, reduce shallow wrinkling and scarring, help lighten hyperpigmentation and improve the overall appearance and health of sun-damaged, acne-prone, aging skin.  Dermahealth Med Spa can help you maintain healthy, younger skin with a variety of skincare treatments and acne treatments in Springfield, MO.

What to expect:

The client may experience a warm, tingling, or burning sting during the application. The client may take Ibuprofen prior to treatment to help relieve any discomfort. After the application of the peel, the skin may appear white and frosted. This will subside in a few hours. During the next few days, the skin will appear red and progressively deepen to a tan/ brown color. Skin conditions during the peeling process may range from mild stinging, mild swelling and redness, mild crusting, and finally peeling. The skin can become very dry, tight, and somewhat uncomfortable. The client may notice exasperation of acne after treatment. Results will vary with each client.


  • Use of Accutane 6 months prior to the Jessner Peel, during the treatment, and 6 months post peel.
  • Prior or current use of Retin-A may increase sensitivity to the acids and intensify the treatment. Suspend the use of Retin-A and/or Vitamin A topicals at least 2-6 weeks prior to treatments.
  • Clients with a history of keloids or abnormal scarring should not be treated.
  • All skin diseases (other than razor bumps, or acne) should not be treated. Viruses and infections, including but not limited to:
    • Active Herpes/ Cold sores, inactive only if on oral RX prior and during tx
    • Eczema (inflamed or dormant)
  • Waxing, depilatories, or laser 2 weeks prior to the peel, and two weeks after the peel.
  • Darker skin types 4-6
  • Rosacea
  • Allergy to aspirin, milk, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, and/or Resorcinol.
  • Pregnant or lactating
  • Smokers who cannot refrain from smoking for the first 8 days of treatment will have slower healing time

Post Peel:

  • Do not apply anything to the face for at least 24 hours.
  • Do not get water on the face or cleanse for 24 hours following your peel procedure. Use only Mandarin Cleansing Milk & Medical Barrier Cream or Renewal Calming after 24 hours.
  • No makeup until peeling is complete
  • Apply Epionce products until skin is back to normal and the peeling process is complete.
  • Avoid any aloe-based products, as these may cause unnecessary discomfort to the skin.
  • Avoid the sun, heat, or excessive dryness
  • Do not pick the peeling skin. (Use small scissors to cut off loose skin)
  • Discontinue all exfoliating products (acids) for 3 weeks following your treatment.
  • Refrain from exercise or activity that will cause sweating or perspiring during the first several days after the peel.

Men should shave 12 hours prior to peel and not again until peeling is complete.

Medium Peel Pre/Post Instructions

Please read each item carefully:

____ I understand that medium-depth peels are designed to refine pores, clarify skin, improve texture, the appearance of fine lines, and reduce hyperpigmentation. A series of 2-6 peel procedures may be necessary to see maximum, desired results.

____ I understand that this is a 3- to 7-day peel, and I will not look my best during that time and may not want to appear in public.

____ I understand that the peel may cause swelling or puffiness on the treated area, which may be uncomfortable. I realize that the procedure will most likely cause my skin to appear red and peel or flake like a sunburn.

____ I understand that during and after the procedure, the following may be experienced: stinging, itching, burning, mild pain, tightness, and peeling of the superficial layers of the skin. These sensations will gradually diminish over the course of 3 to 7 days, as the skin returns to its normal appearance.

____ I understand that there is a risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially if I am dark-skinned or pre-disposed to hyperpigmentation

____ I acknowledge that no guarantee has been given by anyone as to the results that may be obtained from this peel.

____ I have informed my skincare professional of all medications and skincare products that I am currently taking or have taken during the past six months including both prescription & over-the-counter products.

____ I have informed my skincare professional about any susceptibility of cold sores and/or allergy to:

Refresh or Sal-e: aspirin, Salicylic acid, and/or onion extract

Mal-e: apple extract

Jessner: Aspirin, Salicylic Acid, Milk, Lactic Acid and/or Resorcinol

____ I understand that I am not to pick at my face or peel away skin during the post-peel period.

____ I understand that I am to avoid prolonged sun exposure for the first two weeks following the procedure.

____ I understand that proper sun protection including, but not limited to, the faithful use of a broad spectrum UVA-UVB sunblock containing SPF 30 is vital to proper aftercare. I agree to use sunblock with SPF 30 protection at all times for the first month after the peel and continue to use thereafter any time I am exposed to the sun.

____ I understand I am to avoid heat and not participate in any activity or exercise that will cause excessive sweating or perspiring during the first several days after the peel.

____ I understand that there may be an acne flare-up after treatment.

You may begin using your Aquaphor at ____________ am/pm today.

You may begin washing your face at ____________ am/pm on ___________________

At Home Care – Post Jessner

Important: DO NOT PICK AT THE SKIN. If the skin is removed prematurely, prolonged healing and/or infection are possible and may cause a scar.

Day 1-2:

  • No water is to be used on the face for the first 48 hours.
  • Apply nothing to the face for the 1st hour
  • After 1 hour, apply only Aquaphor and/or Epionce Medical Barrier Cream to keep the skin lubricated.
  • The skin should be minimally touched during this processing time.
  • The skin may have a frosted look (until you apply lubricant) and may have the appearance of being slightly sunburned.
  • The skin will start to turn darker and may be unevenly colored.
  • Avoid heat and/or excessive sweating for the first 4 days.
  • Avoid makeup and/or shaving until the full peeling process is complete.

Day 3:

  • Gently cleanse the face twice a day with Gentle Vitamin Cleanser or Mandarin Cleansing Milk. (Use these products for 7-10 days at least.)
  • Pat skin dry. DO NOT RUB. Apply Botanical Essence Toner or Ginseng pH Balancer with a cotton ball.
  • The skin will start to feel very tight and dry.
  • Continue to keep it well lubricated with Aquaphor or Medical Barrier Cream.

Day 4-6:

  • Continue cleansing the skin twice a day and applying lubrication frequently.
  • The peeling process should begin, and your skin may feel very tight.
  • Never peel off the skin; let it shed naturally.

Day 7-8:

  • The peeling process is normally complete by day 7 or 8.
  • When skin sensitivity is diminished, you may resume your normal skincare regimen as long as it is gentle and acid-free.
  • Makeup may be worn if the skin is no longer shedding.
  • Products that contain glycolic, lactic, or alpha hydroxyl acids should not be used for 2 weeks post-application of peel.
  • Do not forget to wear sunscreen. An SPF of at least 30 should be worn at all times during daylight hours.
  • Men may shave when the peeling is complete.

1850 S Stewart Ave., Springfield Missouri 65804 417-447-7777